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MetaChurchVR Welcome

MetaChurchVR is a non-denominational Church of believers and non-believers alike existing exclusively in Virtual Reality via VRChat


Most users are unfamiliar with the concept of church in the Metaverse. It's why many tend to ignore the possibility that church could ever be done in a virtual environment. If the COVID-19 pandemic taught us anything, it's that virtual church, whether through livestreaming, radio, or in this case VR, is where we see the future of Christian fellowship. We here at MetaChurchVR aspire to answer the call of providing a Biblically sound church experience done exclusively in VR by bridging the gap between remote listening and interactivity in a global community of believers.

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Join the MetaChurchVR family by heading over to our Discord server! In short, Discord is an open chat where we interact with each other, share memes, and post Church events.

YouTube is the best place to find our previous services and announcements in video format. Subscribe and make sure to turn notifications on!

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"For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”

Matthew 18:20 (NIV)


Services begin in VRChat on Sundays 3pm EST / 7pm UTC

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